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Harper Green




Year 6 to 7 TransitioN

Welcome to Harper Green School, class of 2029. 

Your transition journey starts here.  We are delighted to welcome you to Harper Green and are already looking forward to meeting you at our upcoming Transition events and when you start your journey with us in September.

On this page you will be able to find all the information you need to support you on your journey to Harper Green.

  • Moving up Handbook
  • Key Dates and events
  • Helpful tips for when you start
  • Find out how our current Year 7 students felt during the Transition journey
  • The Harper Green Transition Pathway

We hope that you find the page helpful when preparing for September, but if you have any further questions please email year6transition@harpergreen.net.

Also, Follow us on social media for regular updates and the latest news. We can't wait to meet you. 




 Moving Up Handbook

Our Moving Up Handbook is the perfect place to start to help you prepare for your transition from Primary School to Harper Green.  It will provide you with all the information you need before starting with us in September.

1. What does a school day look like at Harper Green?

2. Why do we value attendance so highly?

3. Our House System.

4. Our enrichment and extra-curricular offer.

5. Helpful tips for when you start.

6. Your Transition Checklist.

moving up handbook 1 .pdf



Key Dates and Events

Please see below all our upcoming events.
March 2024 - June 2024 - Year 6 Transition Visits
Mr Thomson and the Harper Green Transition team will visit our Primary Schools and new Year 7 students.
Tuesday 2nd July - Transition Evening
All our new parents and families are invited to attend our Transition Evening.  It provides you with the opportunity to meet our Year 7 pastoral team and ask your new Form Tutor any questions about moving up to Harper Green.
Wednesday 3rd July - Transition Day
After having attended our Transition Evening, every child is invited to attend the day at Harper Green.  You will be able to meet the other students in your Form group and experience a day at Harper Green school.
September 2024 - Transition Support
From the first day you start Harper Green, you will have the support of your Year 7 Pastoral team.  An enhanced Transition curriculum will help support you settle in here at Harper Green.
September/October 2024 - Year 7 Transition Trip
Our Year 7 Transition trip aims to further support the transition process.  The trip aims to improve our students knowledge of the Harper Green commitments and values.

Helpful tips for when you start Harper Green

Moving to high school is an exciting time.  You will meet lots of new people and have the opportunity to take part in lots of new activities.  However, it's also normal to be nervous.  Here's a few tips to help you settle in.

Make new friends

1. Introduce yourself to people even if it takes you out of your comfort zone - remember everyone is in the same position as you are

2. Find common interests and pursue them together

3. Take your time - good friendships often form gradually and overtime.

4. Join a club or lunchtime activity 

5. You will often be seated or partnered with someone in class - take this opportunity to get to know new people.

What makes a good friend

  • Honesty
  • Reliable
  • Supportive
  • Good listeners
  • Accepting
  • Respectful
  • Sensitive to others' needs
  • Humble 
  • Encouraging

Take part and try new things

We have a wide range of extracurricular activities available at lunchtime and after school that will not only allow you to develop your skills but also meet new people.  

Please follow the link to see all our enrichment offers Enrichment.


What our Year 7 students had to say about their Transition Journey

Year 7 Student - All Saints Primary School




I joined Harper Green from All Saints primary School, and I am in form 7G and House Austin.


On my first day, I was really nervous, but my brother and my friends helped me as I got to spend time with them at break and lunch time.  Even though, I was very nervous, I was also excited at the same time to start at a new school. 


My form teacher is really nice and if I ever need any help, I can always ask her.  She is also able to speak the same language as me which helps a lot as I am able to say what I am struggling with.


I have also been able to make lots of new friends by working together in lesson but also spending time with them at lunch and break.  I still have my best friend from Primary school with me too.


I like to do my homework at night and my brother helps me with this.  I also like to get all my books and equipment ready in the morning before school so that I am ready for the day.


My favourite lesson is PE.  I like PE because I like sports such as cricket, football, basketball and athletics.  My other favourite lesson is History

because the teacher is very nice and supportive and I have been able to learn lots of new things.


My greatest achievement is being in the top 10 students in Year 7 for positive referrals.


I now feel part of the Harper Green family because the teachers have supported me with all my learning and have given me lots of rewards for my hard work.


Thank you.


Year 7 Students - Cherry Tree Primary School




I joined Harper Green from Cherry Tree primary School, and I am in form 7Q and House Mandela.


I wanted to write to let you know about my first year at Harper Green School.  I thought I would let you know about all the things that helped me settle in at secondary school.


On my first day, I wasn’t nervous because I was in form time with my friends.  I am still friends with a lot of my friends from Primary school, but I now have even more friends as I have met other students from different Primary schools.


At Primary school I was taught in one classroom, so I had to learn how to get from one lesson to the next as quick as possible.  Some of the older students helped me and told me how to get to my lessons.  I also asked any teacher I saw for help.


The teachers are very helpful in lesson, you are allowed to ask questions at any point in the lesson if you are struggling and the teacher will always help.


I keep my equipment organised and always make sure that I’ve got it ready the night before.


My favourite lesson is Science, we learn topics which we did at Primary school but in more detail and do lots more practical lessons and experiments.


My greatest achievement is that I have become a more confident person.


Thank you.


Year 7 Students - St. James' CE Primary School




I joined Harper Green from St. James’ CE primary School, and I am in form 7E and House Mandela.


On my first day, I was nervous, but my friends helped me settle in as they were always with me to support me.  At first, I was with my friends from my Primary School, but I have also made some new friends with people I sat next to in lessons.


Harper Green is much bigger than my Primary School but after 1 or 2 weeks of walking around the school to my lessons and with help from my teachers I now know my way around the whole school and can find my way easily.


My form tutor helps us by telling us all the important information for that week such as, Assemblies, House competitions and activities.  You can get support from the Year team but I have found all the teachers helpful.


I make time for my homework by being organised and I always check that I have all the equipment that I will need for that day before leaving for school.


My favourite lesson is Drama.  Since starting I have been able to take part in lots of activities and different lessons which I didn’t do a Primary School.


My greatest achievement is that because of my good behaviour I have been invited on different trips which have been really fun.


I have made lots of new friends that help and met teachers that care and teach us everything we need for our exams.


Thank you.

 Harper Green Transition Pathway

At Harper Green we understand that the transition to secondary school can be a big step for both students and their families.  To ensure all our students feel supported during their transition process, we have developed a Transition Pathway which will provide our future students with lots of opportunities to experience lessons at Harper Green, see our School site and get to meet our staff.  Through our Transition pathway and the opportunities it provides, we hope to make the transition process as seamless as possible both academically and pastorally.
Transition Activities and Taster lessons
Throughout years 4, 5 and 6 we offer the opportunity for our subject specialist staff to teach their subject to our local Primary Schools.  The taster lessons provides students with the opportunity to take part in secondary school lessons and experience being taught in our Science Laboratories , Art Studios, Technology workshops, Dance studio and Sports hall.  
Transition Day and Transition Evening
At Transition Evening we invite all our new students and families to meet their form tutors where they will be provided with all the information they need to have a successful start at Harper Green.  
Following this, all our new students are invited to take part in our Transition day to experience a day in the life of a Harper Green student. 
Please see below the Harper Green Transition Pathway.

transition pathway.pdf