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Complaints PRocedure

Harper Green School endeavours to provide the best education possible for its students in an open and transparent environment. We are committed to dealing with all complaints fairly, impartially and with a high degree of confidentiality. We welcome any feedback we receive from parents/carers, students and third parties. Please see below for our complaints procedure.

If you feel that a situation has arisen that you need clarification on or would like to discuss further, please contact your child’s year team in the first instance and complete the Initial Enquiry Form below.


Step 1: Make contact with your child’s year team to raise an informal concern. (Use the form below when completing this).

Year Group

Email Address

Year 7 Year7yearteam@harpergreen.net
Year 8 Year8yearteam@harpergreen.net
Year 9


Year 10


Year 11


Your child's pastoral team are best placed to understand the wider details related to your concern. They will endeavour to contact you via phone or email within 5 working days.

If you feel the issue has not been answered or resolved, it may be escalated to their Head of Key Stage.

Head of Key Stage 4 mayord@harpergreen.net
Head of Key Stage 3 burked@harpergreen.net

Download Initial Concern Form > 

Step 2: Making a formal complaint

 Our Initial Concern and Complaints Policy

Unless you have raised an initial concern you cannot escalate straight to a formal complaint. Please follow the guidance above in the first instance.

We aim to resolve a complaint at the earliest possible stage, which is why its important complaints are reported following the initial concern process above in the first instance.

If you feel your concern has not been resolved after following the process above, please follow our formal complaints procedures.