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Discovering dreams • Achieving ambitions • Transforming lives

Welcome to Harper Green School

.As a school, we are proud of the achievements and successes of our students. It is through the dedication of our highly professional and motivated staff that ensures each child flourishes in a safe and happy environment. Our beliefs are simple; each individual leaves Harper Green School with the qualifications and skills needed to achieve their ambitions. We challenge students to explore the furthest reaches of their intellectual, physical and emotional capabilities so that they realise their own infinite potential. Read More >

Ms Heppenstall, Headteacher

We are

Our Curriculum

  • English
  • Numeracy
  • Maths
  • Science
  • P.E
  • French
  • ICT
  • PSHE
  • Technology
  • Learning Support
  • History
  • Geography
  • Religious Education
  • Dance
  • Drama
  • Art &
  • Music

Our Values


Discovering dreams, achieving ambitions and transforming lives.

The main aims of the school are:

  • 1. To ensure equal value and importance to each child's education regardless of ability, to encourage curiosity and promote a love of learning and pride in themselves, their school and community.
  • 2. To allow each student to fulfil their potential, personally, socially and academically, within a rewarding and stimulating school environment which provides tangible qualifications where possible to assist progression in life and learning.
  • 3. To support each student with the appropriate care, information, advice and guidance to help them achieve their potential and lead happy and fulfilling lives.
  • 4. To provide each student with a broad education that balances practical skills and knowledge with appreciation and facility in sport, creativity and enterprise.
  • 5. To develop characteristics of independence, a strong work ethic and the transferable knowledge and skills to adapt in a fast-changing environment and thrive in the world of work.
  • 6. To promote within the child an understanding of social, moral, cultural and spiritual values and to develop a caring community based upon mutual respect and consideration for all individuals and cultures.
  • 7. To instil high standards of behaviour and self-discipline and prepare students to be active and productive members of society.
  • 8. To develop students' understanding of issues associated with making healthy choices in life and protecting personal safety and wellbeing.